【3/13】 RefWorks他、ProQuest社データベースの一時停止 / Temporary suspension of RefWorks and other ProQuest databases


■停止時間 3月13日(日)12:00-20:00 (8時間 ※日本時間)

•ProQuest platform databases (search.proquest.com)
•ProQuest Congressional
•ProQuest Dialog
•ProQuest Archiver
•Dissertations Express
•PQDT Open
•ProQuest ETD Administrator
•Digital Sanborn Maps
•eLibrary (all editions)
•SIRS (all editions)
•Books in Print
•ProQuest Syndetic Solutions

Temporary suspension of RefWorks and other ProQuest databases

RefWorks and other ProQuest databases will be out of service from 12am to 8pm (8 hours) on Sun. March 13, 2016.

Target databases are below.
•ProQuest platform databases (search.proquest.com)
•ProQuest Congressional
•ProQuest Dialog
•ProQuest Archiver
•Dissertations Express
•PQDT Open
•ProQuest ETD Administrator
•Digital Sanborn Maps
•eLibrary (all editions)
•SIRS (all editions)
•Books in Print
•ProQuest Syndetic Solutions